18 January 2011

Recovering Through The Loneliness

I have to be honest. Recovering from anorexia would be so much easier if I didn't feel so alone at times.
And I hate to admit that.  I hate to admit I am feeling anything other than positive.

I would love to write I am handling all this with grace and dignity. But there are hours spent crying, begging God to restore me to health and restore my marriage. There are many times I panic and am afraid I will be alone the rest of my life. I often become angry at anorexia for all the havoc it has brought to my life. I sometimes wish my husband would just believe I am going to stick with recovery and come home already.
I sometimes don't understand why
isn't enough right now. Why can't we
Be Together?
However, I have learned some important things. That meals shared mean more than just food, even if you are sometimes afraid of the food. That I can turn to my friends and ask them for help and they won't turn me away or abandon me. That God is always there, even it is only a whisper or a hint that I carefully have to listen to.

That I need people — real relationships that involve connection through talking and/or seeing the other person.

And I learned I never let go of my eating disorder, I never let go of control, until now. I am now doing exactly what my doctor says. I don't like it, particularly the amount of calories he wants me to eat. But I tell my eating disorder voice to shut up and do it anyway.
My way was not working
My body and life are in the hands of Dr. S and God. My weight is being monitored by Pam. And I am dreaming of a future of freedom, complete with love and joy and happiness. And that dream still includes David.

We both speak of hope tentatively, fearfully at times. It has been a rough road for both of us. We have vowed when we do reconcile, we are going to put all this behind us and live.

I just wish I could talk with the future Angela and ask her how she got through this incredibly tough and lonely time. Where did she find the inner strength? What were some of the things she did to quiet the anxiety about the future that buzzed around in her mind? How did she calm her fears?

(Perhaps, dear Angela, you could give me a hint?)

Everyone tells me there is light at the end of this tunnel, there is hope for the future and dreams to still be lived. I try to believe, and live as though I do believe. I keep saying to myself: Believe and it will be true. Believe...


The Thrifty Book Nerd said...

One thing I have learned that friends help in recovery. I am part of the break room lunch bunch at work. Three of the five know about my ED. They are very encouraging. At first, I was nervous about sharing my struggle but knew I needed that extra support. I haven't regretted it.

I love the look of your blog. You continue to be an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing your struggles and triumphs.

Courtney Marjamaa said...

don't give up angela! i know you have the fight in you because you have not given up yet. I believe that you will get better and this time it will stick easier. just keep telling yourself what is right over and over and it does get easier.

I promise you that there is happiness on the recovery side and that love will come back with it.

I will be praying with you too and if you ever need a friend please feel free to text me. love you bunches! *HUG!*