07 September 2012

The Physical Aspects of Anorexia Disorder Recovery | Surviving ED

The Physical Aspects of Anorexia Disorder Recovery | Surviving ED

1 comment:

Angharad said...

I just read your post and was absorbed! I've been increasing my intake over the last two weeks or so, and so I could relate to much of what you wrote about - especially the oedema, breakouts of acne and most of all, the Buddha Belly! Although I find it humorous that you call it 'Buddha Belly' my own stomach horrifies me and makes me, as you say, want to give up. I miss my anorexic body, my concave stomach, my protruding bones. But this is so wrong - this is letting anorexia win. I want my life back. How do you deal with your changing body in recovery? It sounds like you are so brave and doing so well!